Device Access Project

As a last step you need to create the Sandbox environment for the Nest Device Access Project. After creation of the project the Project Id needs to be copied into PROJECT ID field of the Homey Nest SDM app.

If you have never used the Device Access Console, you need to pay a one time fee of 5$ to Google gain access to the sandbox development environment of the Nest Devices Access API.

Click the link below to start creating the Nest Device Access Project.

After settlement of the fee, you can create the Device Access Project

Give it a Name and click NEXT

Paste the OAuth Client ID of your Google Project in the next screen, click NEXT

Check Enable for the Pub/Sub events, click CREATE PROJECT

Copy the Project ID to the clipboard

Now switch back to the Homey App and paste the PROJECT ID in the Google Device Access Project

Done defining the projects

Last updated